The world says that in order to be a leader you have to set yourself above others. Doulos thinks differently. We want you to learn to lead like Jesus did – by serving other people.
Everyone is capable of being a leader. God can use you and your gifts to change the world around you. Here in Doulos, we want to give you the tools and training to find your calling and not only grow more confident, but also closer to God. We want to see a generation of young people rise up who are passionate about seeking God and helping others.
Doulos begins in September for students entering school Year-10 or above.

People learn in different ways, so in Doulos we create experiences to explore our topics creatively. Whether it’s climbing a hill, eating a meal, or visiting today’s inspiring leaders at historical locations, we want to help you learn to be a leader by doing things that are exciting!
Over the year, you’ll have one 2-hour session a month, focused on different aspects of leadership and Christian growth. Each session is taught by different leaders from around the world, and you get personal interaction with each of them.
Each year in Doulos includes a weekend away with other Doulos students. You’ll meet new life-long Christian friends from around Teesside and grow together in your faith.

You’ll get hands-on experience every year through a Doulos summer mission project. This is a great way to learn how to practically serve others. Doulos partners with mission projects both locally and abroad to give everyone the chance to engage with mission.
Doulos gives you and your youth worker resources to continue growing outside of the monthly Doulos sessions. Through regular updates, devotionals and mentoring tools, you can work together to stay accountable. You’ll also begin growing your practical skills as you complete monthly service logs in your church, youth group, school or community.

“The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many”
-MATTHEW 20:28
Doulos is a 3-year programme, with a possible 4th-year gap year opportunity with Youth for Christ. Here’s what you’ll learn in each year with Doulos
Servant Leadership: Look at the servant leadership example Jesus set for us in Matthew 20:28.
Time Alone with God: Understand why it’s important and explore different ways to interact with God.
Evangelism: Discover clear and effective ways to speak about your faith as a Christian leader.
The Power of Vision: Learn tools to develop bigger and broader dreams for your projects or future.
Biblical Worldview: Discover the importance of knowing and applying scripture in your daily decisions.
Disciplies of a Leader: Understand the things necessary for a leader to succeed in today’s culture.
Prayer and Discernment: Dive in to letting God help you make your leadership decisions, big or small.
Time & Goal Management: Learn the value of planning ahead and setting personal and project goals.
Spiritual Warfare: Explore the power of prayer and the principles of spiritual warfare found in Scripture.
Discovering Your Temperament: Utalise the DISC Personality Profile to delve into your personality and how you are wired.
Wisdom: Understand how to use Biblical teachings to make wise decisions every day.
Social Justice & Ethics: Discover how you have a role to play in leadership to make an impact in the world.
Spiritual Gifts: Identify potential spiritual giftedness and how to operate the way God created you.
Dealing with Difficulties: Discover the challenges of dealing with difficulties and difficult people and how to be a peacemaker.
Managing Money: Explore the concept of stewardship and what scripture says about money.
Living in Community: See the value of ‘doing life together’ and having a support network around you.
My Place in God’s Plan: Consider God’s sovereignty and man’s place in God’s global plan.
Growing your Leadership: Examine Scriptural principles for finishing well and spiritual growth.
Discipleship: Gain the tools and confidence to begin passing on your faith and leadership knowledge to a younger generation.
Rest & Sabbath: Learn why it’s important for leaders to rest their mind, body and soul in order to remain effective.
Public Speaking: Discover what it takes to create, prepare, and deliver a successful speech.
We keep the fees for Doulos as low as possible at £180 per young person (per year). This includes the weekend away and all sessions, resources and outings. Our heart is that any young person who feels called to take part should be able to. Financial aid and scholarships are available.
Joining Doulos for the first time? Welcome to Doulos! Fill out the application form here and we’ll be in touch!
To continue your student’s Doulos journey for the 2nd year of Doulos (201), you can find the reapplication form here.
To continue your student’s Doulos journey for the 3rd and final year (301), you can find the reapplication form here.